My name is Peter Sanderson and I draw stuff, this website is where I put my not terrible stuff.
You can contact me at bluebright.psm [at] gmail [dot] com
Old Websites
I started this website when I was 15 (2005) as a way to make money. Of course, that never happened. What I did get out of it however were many years of self taught web building experience. For those who are interested, you can see a history of all the website iterations I’ve been through below.
Site 1
‘My Zany Adventure’ was a webomic that consisted usually of single panel drawings updated 3 times a week. The content management system consisted of Simon Steinhouse’s Webcomic Script and me opening up ‘news.php’ every week to update. Archaic!
Site 2
Not too much changed for my first revision. Probably a result of Bjorn telling me my site looked girly. It sounds like something he would say.
Site 3
Now I was getting the hang of this whole web thing, I wanted to get stuck into a comic that had a story and a bit of depth. I then redesigned my site for a comic that was larger. Below is the original comic for ‘victory pocket’ which started out as half pages.
Site 4
It’s starting to almost look like a real website. I have three different comics now split into three different colours. I love colour coding things and this idea went on for another few redesigns.
Site 5
Number five is when I renamed everything, giving the green comics the name of ‘the expensive vest club’. Despite the name, vests are scarcely mentioned in the comics.
Site 6
Version 6 is the first site to be made with wordpress. Beforehand I had been making everything from scratch and the CMS was a little script made specifically for webcomics. Not pictured below are the comic archives. It went from a text list to thumbnails as I switched to NEXTGen Gallery to handle displaying images. My favorite version and also the last version to made from the ground up with my spindly little fingers.
Site 7
“If that was your favorite site, why’d you change it you moron?” Good question. A little rudely asked, but valid. You see I designed the above site to be viewed on PC screens. Then came along all these new fangled tablet phones and what not and thus my none-responsive site had to be thrown out. Since I wanted to focus more on drawing and less on website making, I decided it was time to use someone else’s design. I had trouble finding one that I liked so I literately stole the code and assets to create this version 7. Also combined psm with my brikwars blog.
Site 8
I never liked version 7, the look or that I stole it, so I started to find properly licenced themes. After editing the crap out of it, we get psm v8!
Site 9
I never thought I'd need to upgrade again after this one, but free hosting via Google is too good to pass up, especially since no one reads this. This was psm v9 will it be the last design? I freaking hope so.